About Us
People living in Guernsey, Alderney, Herm or Jethou and registered to pay contributions to the Committee for Employment & Social Security are covered by the 'Specialist Health Insurance Scheme' and so are entitled to receive specialist care and treatment free of charge at the point of delivery (Sark residents are not covered by the scheme).
Patients with private medical insurance or who wish to self-pay for specialist treatment may consult the MSG privately. The benefits of doing so are available at www.msg.gg/flexibility-choice/. Details of charges are also available on the website at the same location.
The services of the MSG are procured through the Secondary Healthcare Contract with the States of Guernsey acting through the Committee for Health & Social Care (HSC).
The MSG has been a general partnership since December 2002, but it converted to a limited liability partnership (MSG LLP) with effect from 1st January 2018. There were 24 conversion partners. By the year end of 2019 we had grown to 36 partners, who meet at least quarterly.
Our Objectives
- To meet the expectations and obligations under the States contract and to be accountable to the States and the general public, through the provision of accurate and timely data and analysis.
- To have an appropriate organisational structure operating at optimum efficiency, with patient care and quality of experience as its primary priority.
- To improve the quality and timeliness of communications with patients and business partners, using the most appropriate method of communication in each circumstance.
- To recruit and retain an appropriately skilled, trained and motivated workforce, who are proud to be part of the Group and who are dedicated to improving the patients’ experience.
- To provide infrastructure (people, systems, processes, equipment) that supports the consultants, so that they can focus their attention on caring for their patients in an environment of continuous improvement.
- To maximise on-island healthcare provision though innovative initiatives supported by robust financial practices and sound business cases.
- To operate to high standards of clinical and corporate governance, complying with guidelines interpreted appropriately to the needs of the island community.
- To act at all times with the highest standards of professionalism with our business partners and colleagues and to foster good team spirit in all our interactions.